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Please bring with you:

  • Trucking company name and code
  • Driver’s name and license
  • Type of transaction (Import)
  • Steamship line for the transaction
  • Delivery order (if released by the line, then the memo number)
  • Customs release
  • Make sure it is released by the Department of Agriculture
  • If picked up after regular hours (late gate), the steamship line memos with information
  • Tractor unit number, tractor/chassis license numbers
  • If container is for hazardous material, a dangerous goods declaration is required, including the emergency phone number

Once the interchange is issued, DON’T FORGET TO TAKE A NUMBER from the clerk, proceed to the in-gate lane without stopping (if the chassis is empty), and go to the pile where your container is to be picked up.

If you can’t find your container, go back to the office and ask for assistance.

At the out-gate, before taking out the container:

  • Give the TIR (Terminal Interchange Receipt) to the checker.
  • He will verify the information.
  • The seal will be checked and noted on the TIR (Terminal Interchange Receipt).

Read the interchange. Make sure all the information is correct before signing and before the checker signs it and gives you your copy.